421-430 of 972 Results
Parsing the command line Icon
Parsing the command line script allows to use optparse module
Remote control with telnetlib Icon
Send commands to one or more logins using Python's standard telnetlib module.
Python robocopier Icon
Python robocopier - Advanced Directory Synchronization module (Python)
A basic time profiler Icon
This recipe provides a very simple time profiling module
urrlib2 opener for SSL proxy Icon
This small module builds an urllib2 opener that can be used to make a connection
Copy gmail.com contacts onto your mobile phone Icon
Uses the csv module to convert gmail.com contacts data to the "raw" gnokii.
Win32 service administration Icon
Win32serviceutil module to simplify starting and stopping services.
Example For winreg Icon
This recipe is another example of how to use the winreg module.
ZChat Icon
Provide an example of how the z_service module can be used.
Python Script Viewer Icon
Written to take advantage of the custom CGI module