81-90 of 405 Results
Messenger Detect Icon
Monitor and record all MSN chats, AOL (AIM) chat, Yahoo chat, and ICQ chat.
Auto-detect XML encoding Icon
Describes the outlines of an algorithm for detecting the Unicode encoding.
Screen Resolution Detect Redirect Icon
This very simple script detects the screen resolution of the user
BS Detect Icon
Sets off an alarm when someone nearby lies or exaggerates.
ColorPlus X1 Printer Driver for Windows Servers and Citrix Icon
Print bar codes or convert any document to PDF, PDF/A, TIFF, JPEG, HTML, GIF, or PNG.
Monochrome X1 Printer Driver for Windows Terminal Servers Icon
Print bar codes or convert documents to TIFF, FAX, and DIB formats.
Monochrome X1 Printer Driver Icon
Print bar code or documents to TIFF, FAX, DIB and send it as fax, e-mail, or upload to SharePoint.
Monochrome Printer Driver for Windows Terminal Servers Icon
Convert any document to TIFF, FAX, DIB and send it as fax, e-mail, or upload to SharePoint.
ColorPlus X1 Printer Driver Icon
Print bar codes or convert any document to PDF, PDF/A, TIFF, JPEG, HTML, GIF, or PNG.
Monochrome Printer Driver Icon
Convert any document to TIFF, FAX, DIB and send it as fax, e-mail, or upload to SharePoint.