51-60 of 99 Results
LaTeX codec Icon
Codec for converting unicodes to LaTeX markup and vice versa.
Sieve of Eratosthenes Icon
Computes an infinite sequence of primes using simple generators.
python-ldap Icon
python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP.
Dendrogram drawing Icon
This recipe draws a dendrogram (horizontal format used for evolutionary trees)
SMAWK totally monotone matrix searching algorithm Icon
This algorithm takes as input a function for computing matrix values.
Breadth first traversal of tree Icon
Uses a recursively called simple generator to traverse a tree in breadth first
Convex hull and diameter of 2d point sets Icon
Convex hull and diameter of 2d point sets script returns the convex hul
Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest paths Icon
Dijkstra(G,s) finds all shortest paths from s to each other vertex in the graph
Hopcroft-Karp bipartite matching Icon
A bipartite graph in a variation of Guido van Rossum's dictionary-of-lists forma
f2c compiler Icon
To compile f2c on Linux or Unix systems, copy makefile.u to makefile