71-80 of 93 Results
Display an Image from a specified file Icon
Reads an image file from the filename specified as the 1st parameter
Simple XOR keyword Encryption Icon
A very simple keyword encryption algorithm
Battleships C Icon
Battleships C is a playable game of battleships for Microsoft console.
A lazy, memoized attribute space Icon
This class provides thunk-like behavior in standard Python.
A class keeps a reference to it's instance Icon
This recipe implements a base class, which allows derived classes to track.
A queue for string data Icon
A queue data structure, for string data only, which looks like a File object
A List of Dictionaries Icon
A List of Dictionaries class emulates a list of dictionary objects
Pack multiple images into one image Icon
Packing images of different sizes into one image is often required.
A speed limited, or governed range Icon
This class implements a generator, which returns consecutive floats
Call a function/method X times per second Icon
This simple generator function is used to call a function X times per second.