911-920 of 1,551 Results
Scramble Word Icon
Re-arrange characters of word by using simple string manipulation and Random.
Fausterize Icon
Fausterize is a simple text encryption program
PhotoBySend Icon
PhotoBySend is a simple tools to share photo albums by email.
Cookie Cart Lite Icon
Cookie Cart Lite works with and uses simple HTML tags to accomplish its task
Python XTEA Encryption Icon
This is a simple python implementation of the XTEA block encryption algorithm
Sieve of Eratosthenes Icon
Computes an infinite sequence of primes using simple generators.
Bible Analyzer Icon
Bible Analyzer was designed to be very simple to use.
Observer Design Pattern Icon
This simple class implements the observer design pattern
Java Editor EJE for Linux Icon
A simple open source Java editor, created for who wants to learn Java.
Povray for python Icon
Povray for python is a relatively simple framework for making povray files from