81-90 of 124 Results
Browsersandse Icon
Has four popular browsers, four search engines, many search categories.
BDGYsearches Icon
Searches Bing, Duckduckgo, Google, or Yahoo for precise searches.
UnTextTransfer Icon
Transfer text from 46 different stored areas to another application.
DFASTAR Lexer Generator Icon
A DFA lexer generator, reading a lexical grammar.
Image Cropper Icon
Image Cropper crops and resizes a batch of mages to a specific aspect ratio
Digi-Sign Icon
Digi-Sign is a shareware digital signature tool to prevent hacking.
RedBoy Icon
RedBoy is a post it application written in ruby-Gtk2 mainly for GNOME desktop.
Joystick-Ruby Icon
Linux joystick support for Ruby.
HighWire Icon
HighWire is a load balancer written in Ruby which is designed.
EDGAR for Ruby Icon
A screen scraping library to access the US Securities.