401-410 of 3,533 Results
UM Windows Mobile Video Converter Icon
convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, AVCHD to Windows Mobile compatible video formats
Computerized Gradebook for Windows Icon
"Computerized Gradebook for Windows is the most complete, user Bedtime Stories
Getting uptime in windows 2000/NT/XP Icon
This recipe will help getting windows uptime using the "net statistics server"
GradeBook for Windows Icon
It is a Windows program designed for Teachers of all grade levels.
Hide Wizard-Hide windows and hide folder Icon
hide windows,processes,files and folders
SharkPoint DualPack (PocketPC & Windows) Icon
SharkPoint DualPack, the ultimate dive logbook (PocketPC & Windows)
Check your Windows sound system Icon
Find out if the sound hardware on your windows PC is working properly.
Changing file attributes on windows Icon
Offers SetFileAttributes whiles allows you to make changes to a file in windows
Large File Sizes on 32 bit Windows Icon
Large File Sizes on 32 bit Windows script uses the FindFiles win32call.
Converting windows 64 bit time Icon
Converting windows 64 bit time script is a function that returns the time